Personal Finance Articles

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We are getting busier in our careers. I started in 1996, and every year my responsibilities and work load has been increasing. Competition in business is increasing, and unless we work harder and smarter, we...Read More

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We waited in anticipation for the world to end but it continues to revolve. We anticipated that 2013 was going to wreck havoc on humanity. Here we are, standing at the edge of a new year with a feeling of nostalgia...Read More

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The last 5 years have been difficult for retail investors. Many investors saw significant value erosion in their equity assets and now that the Indian market has crossed the historical highs again, retail investors have...Read More

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Just got your first salary?! This Christmas season is the ideal opportunity for you to spend it like you wish because you are beyond the limitations of allowances. But then there is so much that you want to do in...Read More

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It is said that an intrinsic characteristic of an Indian is to worry about the rising prices of the gold, even if one does not want to buy even a gram in distant future. For us, Gold has been the quintessential investment...Read More

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Good housekeeping is one area that could bring immense value to the investor. The number of financial products held by an investor these days is getting unwieldy. Documentation, preservation, operational...Read More

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Every country exports and imports for its survival. As long as this equation of imports versus exports is balanced, it is good for the nation but when imports become more than exports, the value of the currency...Read More

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India can take pride that we have always been a country of savers. From a high savings rate of 36% of GDP to a low of 30% of GDP, Indians have always been big savers. Most of our savings are directed towards...Read More

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In the last two articles we discussed what problem the family faces when somebody dies without keeping any records of his/her investments? How to recover them etc. Now, we will know what are the documents...Read More

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As a child I grew up with the notion that the west was the land of opportunities. And it was the same for thousands of teenagers growing in the “just liberalized” India. The dream of many Indian students...Read More
