Mutual Funds Articles

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Mutual funds are wonderful investment options for meeting a variety of financial goals. However, a common problem which retail investors often face is the problem of too many choices. One of main...Read More

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Diversified multicap funds have the potential to deliver strong performance on a consistent basis across a long time horizon. Different segments of the market outperform each other in different market cycles. For...Read More

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Mutual funds are excellent investment options for investors for meeting their financial goals across different time horizons. However, some mutual fund schemes acquire legendary status as wealth creators...Read More

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There has been a spate of closed end Mutual Fund launches in the last one year. There is much lesser awareness about closed end funds among retail investors for a number of reasons. Firstly, the closed end...Read More

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Equity mutual funds have on an average done extremely well in the last 3 years. Equity funds belonging to the large cap category have given average trailing annualized 3 years returns of 18.2%. The top performer...Read More

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We keep hearing that it is very easy to lose money by investing in share markets. It is true that equity markets are risky. But it is also true that equity as an asset class has the potential to create wealth. How can...Read More

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Top performing mutual funds have outperformed their Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) counterparts over a three year investment horizon. Top performing large cap oriented diversified equity mutual funds...Read More

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Sometimes investors are confused with the variety of options in mutual funds. These options are designed to meet the different needs of the investors with different risk profiles and financial objectives. Mutual fund...Read More

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Mutual fund investors often come across the term "value investing". While value investing is very a popular concept in the investment world, it is not very well understood in the context of mutual funds, especially here...Read More

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How do you know if your mutual funds are performing well? We have investment objectives in our financial plans. Implicit in our plan are expectations on investment returns. Your equity fund may...Read More
