Investment, Financial Planning, Mutual Fund & Income Tax Queries

Which are the best mutual funds to invest in

I want to invest lumsump amount 25000 please suggest best mutual fund for this amount?

Jul 15, 2019 by Manish kumawat, Ambala  |   Mutual Fund
You have mentioned only the lump sum amount that you want to invest in mutual funds. But the most important criteria for investing in mutual funds are your risk taking appetite and the investment time horizon... Read More
How do I know which funds are giving the best dividends

Firstly congratulations on a fantastically designed website! It is far more powerful then any website that I have seen on MFs and I do come to your website for some preliminary analysis. I was going through the website , and was not sure if I there are inconsistencies or is that I am screening inappropriately. While going through best dividend schemes (consistent across multiple years), I came across the following schemes, with supposedly high yields: Principal Emerging Bluechip – Dividend, Mirae Asset India Equity Fund – Dividend, SBI Magnum Multicap Fund – Direct – Dividend, DSP Equity Fund – Direct, BOI AXA Large & Midcap Fund - Regular Plan – Regular - Dividend, BOI AXA Large & Midcap Fund - Eco Plan - Regular – Dividend. However, while going through the dividend history sheets, I was not able to see BOB Axa at all in the dividend history with % yield, additionally it seemed to have relatively less yield compared to the % shown differently in your other web pages. I think the only consistent ones were Principal Emerging Bluechip / Mirae Asset which featured in both cases (across most periods). I was wondering, if you could guide in the analysis for enabling me to create a consistent and sure shot shortlist of MFs having best returns across most periods for the following criteria (across all types of equity MFs). a) High dividend yield % MFs ( I am targeting > 12-15% annual dividend yield returns, if feasible) - Max 5 schemes, b) Lumpsum - Max 5 schemes, c) SIP MFs - Max 5 schemes. Will look forward to your guidance on how to go about the same?

Feb 3, 2019 by Naresh Raisinghani,   |   Mutual Fund
At the outset I thank you for your kind words about our website. Please note that top dividend fund are shorted on the basis of dividend yields... Read More
How to invest to earn regular income

I am in need of regular income of Rs. 50k per month as I don't have any other resources of income. After serving 21 years I have corpus of 50L with us which can be invested for running my lively hood. I know Rs. 50k is higher amount keeping in mind of 12% return from corpus. In that case I may think to reduce some amount. I need tax free return or at least with minimum tax liabilities. I may invest for 5 years with moderate risk because I have no option other than this way. Please suggest and help me so that I may come over with the situation what to do not to do. Please sir, yours advise may change my life and I may leave my life with more peace and more calm?

Jan 31, 2019 by Ramesh Kumar Verma,   |   Mutual Fund
Please note that you can earn a regular income from your accumulated corpus by investing the same in fixed income instruments (Senior Citizen Scheme, Bank FD, Postal MIS) wherein you can earn an... Read More
Is dividend distribution tax applicable on dividend reinvestment plan

Whether Dividend Distribution Tax is applicable in dividend reinvest plans of MF?

Jan 30, 2019 by Mohammad Wasim, Burnpur  |   Mutual Fund
Yes, dividend distribution tax (DDT) is applicable also on dividend reinvestment plans of mutual funds. Please note that even though dividends received in the hand of the investor is free, the AMC has to pay... Read More
Should I maintain separate portfolios for different financial goals

I have 2 goals, marriage and education of my daughter. Now, should I have separate MF portfolios for these two goals or only one portfolio covering investments for both the goals together? If separate portfolio for each goal is to be kept then how many funds should be there in each portfolio and how to transfer money from equity to debt in that particular portfolio as each goal nears its due date?

Jan 30, 2019 by Lalit Ramteke, Kupwara  |   Mutual Fund
Ideally you should have separate portfolios as the goal times in this case may be different. With regards to how many funds you should have in your portfolio is a function of what is your monthly investment... Read More
Can you tell me why Dividend in Reliance Tax Saver Fund is not received

I have invest Rs. 770000.00 in Reliance Tax Saver Fund, Dividend plan. But I have not received my quarterly dividend which is due from December 2018. Please let me the reason?

Jan 29, 2019 by Prakash Kanti Aditya,   |   Mutual Fund
Please note that dividend in mutual funds are declared from the profit made by the fund or from the available surpluses and it is totally at the discretion of the fund manager/ AMC. Please also note that... Read More
From which fund should I opt for mutual fund SWP

I want to make a SWP of 1.4 lacs monthly by Investing a lumpsum of 1.2 cr. I want the initial investment to grow too. I have checked some funds from Franklin and Aditya Birla fund houses. I am not looking at investing in Equity but other options. What do you suggest?

Jan 29, 2019 by Colin Naidu, Nagpur  |   Mutual Fund
Drawing Rs 1.40 Lakhs from an investment of Rs 1.20 Crores is bit high. We suggest that during the initial years of your SWP investments, you should not draw more than 8-9% annually as you would like to... Read More
How to receive regular income after retirement

My parents are retiring next year, please suggest me a monthly plan for them. Which they can use from July 2020 onwards?

Jan 25, 2019 by Atisha Singh, Delhi  |   Retirement Planning
Please note that for retired people there are many option for getting a regular income. It could be Post office MIS, Life Insurance Pension Plans, Bank Fixed Deposits, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme and Mutual... Read More
What are the mutual fund returns in the last 20 years

Mutual Fund return last 20 year?

Jan 22, 2019 by Sumana Chatterjee,   |   Mutual Fund
To see the returns of various mutual fund schemes in the last 20 years, please refer to the links... Read More
How to create a retirement corpus for my parents

My parents are of age 45 and 48 years, I am 23 yr old, I want to take a scheme that can give return monthly minimum 30,000 when they retire, so can you please tell me how to start and minimum premium would be how much to earn 30000 when they get retire? Can I invest on their behalf?

Jan 20, 2019 by Parin, Ahmadabad  |   Retirement Planning
While you have mentioned the age of your parents, you have not mentioned the age at which they will retire. We are assuming that you have 12 years time (if we consider age 60 as retirement age - higher... Read More
You haven't found the answer for your queries? Do post your queries to us.
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