I want to buy a medical policy for my mother, father and me. I cannot decide whether to go for a health insurance or a medi-claim policy. I am looking for something that can help me cover hospital and major medical expenses. My parents are senior citizens (65yrs). I am getting very mixed reactions for the same. Please help me with: a) the difference between health insurance vs mediclaim, b) which one should I consider, considering my parents are senior citizens. Annual premium limit is not an issue. Please suggest?
If I have invested Rs. 100000/- in debt fund what would be the taxation if I withdraw before three years & after three years?
Please advise me where I am invest money and which plan of MF good returns giving For long term?
I have completed 3 year's agency period with 26 lives and 435000 premium. Now my agency is live or not?
Some balanced fund schemes mention benchmark as 'aggressive balanced fund index'. Is the benchmark uniform for all balanced funds or there is any other benchmark for balanced fund? (other than 'aggressive balanced fund index'). Kindly clarify?
Please let me know the exam to be passed for becoming advisor?
I started SIP in SBI/ICICI/HDFC/IDFC and UTI mutual funds in 2013 while I was in India and still continuing. Today, my status has changed to NRI (US/Canada based). How should I reshuffle my SIPs so that I am legally invested and FATCA complied? As per the forum, UTI and SBI are accepting investors from US/Canada now. What should I do with ICICI/HDFC/IDFC funds which are already there in my portfolio? How do I update my NRI status in all the mutual fund house? Please suggest?
If I invest INR1000000 (Ten Lacs) in my sons name who is major studying in college, in one of the income funds for the expenses of his studies. In case if I have to redeem units before 36months then will he have to pay tax on short term capital gain. He is got no other source of income. Please advise?
Could you please advise me what should I do with the below ULIP policy which I took in Sep 2009, without even understanding about it? Abosolute returns after almost 7yrs is ~38%, XIRR is ~9%, Product name ICIC Pru Life Stage Pension - Monthly premium Rs. 1250, Total Investment 1,03,750, Fund Value 1,43,417. From what I understand now, surrender value is 2% upto 6yrs and if 1% after 7-9yrs. Though its just a matter of 1-2 more months to complete 7yrs, I guess 1% does not make much of difference. However, the whole surrender value will be added to my annual income and will be fully taxable. Also from my discussion with one of the ICICI Pru executive, I was told that if I surrender the policy and reinvest the amount to any of their other investment options the whole process would work behind the curtains and I can save income tax on the surrender amount i.e they would not remit the surrender value to my bank account rather internally move it to any of my desired investment option. Therefore, I would appreciate if you can advise on how to proceed on this, also if you can suggest a MF or any other investing option by ICICI to choose from?
I am taking sabbatical and have corpus of 45L, from which I need 30000 income per month at least for next 1 year, but at the same time my capital should be protected. Please suggests mutual funds to invest?
Jul 21, 2016 by Paresh Navik
Jul 16, 2016 by Mohammad Wasim
Jul 25, 2016 by Saurabh Sharma
Jul 13, 2016 by Partha Sarathi
Jul 13, 2016 by Venkatachalam
Jul 13, 2016 by S Nair
Jul 13, 2016 by S Nair
Jul 9, 2016 by Sanjib
Jul 25, 2016 by Ajay Misra
Jul 25, 2016 by Umesh
Jan 10, 2025 by Advisorkhoj Team
Jan 10, 2025 by Axis Mutual Fund
Jan 9, 2025 by Advisorkhoj Team
Jan 9, 2025 by Advisorkhoj Team
Jan 8, 2025 by Advisorkhoj Team