RBI Monetary Policy Inflation Jitters: June 2022

Jun 9, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

In line with market expectations, the RBI MPC decided raise policy rates by 50 bps. The decision to raise rates was unanimous. The market was relieved that there were no further liquidity tightening measures following on the 50bps CRR increase in May. The policy confirms RBI?s tilt now to combating inflation over supporting growth... Read More

Re-allocation of responsibilities of Fund Managers

May 27, 2022 by Sundaram Mutual Fund

Investors are requested to note the following changes in the portfolio of Fund Managers, which includes addition or deletion of fund managers in existing funds. These changes will be effective from 16th May 2022... Read More

Withdrawal Symptoms: May 2022

May 5, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

The Reserve Bank today made a surprise announcement on monetary policy. The Monetary Policy Committee of the RBI met on an off-cycle basis and decided to hike the repo rate by 40 basis points to 4.40%. The RBI also decided to hike the CRR by 50 bps to 4.5%. This is a remarkable turn of events from the RBI. When the MPC... Read More

Is the FII impact on Indian equities waning

Apr 25, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

The past few months have been nothing short of extraordinary. The world seemed to have finally moved past the 2 year long pandemic with restriction easing worldwide. But then, little did we know that a potential border conflict between Russia and Ukraine will escalate into a full blown war. In a matter of days, the world is a... Read More

Why elevated inflation is not good for India

Apr 20, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

CPI inflation is an economic indicator which is the most widely used measure of inflation in the country. It can also be viewed as a proxy of the effectiveness of monetary policy set by the RBI. The mandate of the RBI is to maintain CPI inflation at 4% with a band of ±2%. Inflation for the last 2.5 years (to February 2022), has averaged... Read More

Views by Axis Mutual Fund on RBI Monetary Policy: April 2022

Apr 8, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

The RBI MPC decided to keep policy rates unchanged yet again. The crux of the the RBI governor' commentary, however was sharply different from the previous policy announcement. The MPC has done a complete U-turn by refocusing its attention on 'run-away' inflation, pivoting from its earlier growth focused stance. The... Read More

Mr. Gaurav Goyal joins ITI Mutual Fund as Chief Business Officer

Apr 5, 2022 by ITI Mutual Fund

ITI Asset Management Limited has appointed Mr. Gaurav Goyal as Chief Business Officer, effective 2nd April 2022. As CBO, he will spearhead the Sales & Distribution, Business Development, Product and Marketing functions of the organization. He brings with him more than 22+ years of differentiated experience in Financial Services... Read More

Axis Mutual Fund launches Axis Equity ETFs FoF

Feb 2, 2022 by Advisorkhoj Team

Axis Mutual Fund, one of the leading asset management companies in India announced the launch of Axis Equity ETFs FoF (An Open Ended Fund of Fund scheme predominantly investing in units of domestic equity ETFs). The new fund will be managed by Shreyash Devalkar, Fund Manager. The minimum application amount is INR 5,000... Read More

Axis Mutual Fund: Budget 2022 Approaching an Amrut Kal

Feb 2, 2022 by Advisorkhoj Team

The scheme shall seek to generate capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of companies that follow the manufacturing theme. However, there is no assurance that the objective of the scheme will be realized. The product is suitable for investors who are seeking long-term capital growth by investing in equity and equity... Read More

Equity Markets: Testing Times-Rising Rates & The Changing Equity Market Paradigm

Jan 29, 2022 by Advisorkhoj Team

One of the side effects of covid has been the return of global inflation. In much of the developed world, inflation has been persistently low (below 3%) for more than a decade. The result has been a crippling rise in essential commodities & services. To combat this rise in inflation, global central banks have gradually put an end to... Read More

Axis Mutual Fund launches Axis Nifty Next 50 Index Fund

Jan 5, 2022 by Axis Mutual Fund

Axis Mutual Fund, one of the leading asset management companies in India announced the launch of Axis Nifty Next 50 Index Fund (An Open Ended Index Fund tracking the NIFTY NEXT 50 Index), today. The NFO will be open for subscription on January 7, 2022 and close on January 21, 2022. The new fund will be managed by... Read More

Annul Outlook for the year 2022: Axis Mutual fund

Dec 31, 2021 by Advisorkhoj Team

The mood of the markets has always fascinated me both as an investor and an equity strategist. As fickle as it can be, the mood of the market shifts on a dime. Looking back through the year, two themes worked very well - first half of the year was beta. The same beta rally however has been short circuited by a wave of negative news flow... Read More

Fixed Income Outlook for 2022: Axis Mutual Fund

Dec 20, 2021 by Advisorkhoj Team

As I write this year end note, I feel a sense of Déjà vu. Exactly a year ago, around this same time, we were showing signs of economic rebound and victory over Covid. Unfortunately, we were hit by the second wave that not only impacted human lives extensively but also extended the uncertainty and volatility in market across asset classes... Read More

Your Money: Getting a handle on investment risks in MFs

Dec 15, 2021 by Advisorkhoj Team

Most investors think of 'risk' in the negative connotation. One can define risk as the process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating uncertainty in the investment decisions. Seasoned investors and fund managers understand that risk and returns are inclusive of each other. You cannot expect good returns without considering the... Read More

Not investing Indian investor's biggest mistake today: Axis MF's Gopani

Dec 15, 2021 by Advisorkhoj Team

Have investors missed the bus when it comes to playing the India recovery theme on Dalal Street? Jinesh Gopani of Axis Mutual Fund remains bullish on India and suggests using any correction in the short term to deploy money for the long term. "The biggest loss for an Indian investor today is the opportunity cost of not investing," he... Read More
