Investment, Financial Planning, Mutual Fund & Income Tax Queries

Where to invest my gratuity amount to get monthly dividends

I need your guidance from your end on the funds which give regular monthly high dividends with proven record. I have got Gratuity amount last month when I resigned the job. I have 15 lakhs for investment. I need to invest this amount in 3-4 mutual funds which will pay me regular monthly dividend for my monthly expenses. Kindly guide me where should I invest this amount?

Apr 11, 2017 by CSN Rao,   |   Mutual Fund
Since you are retired and seek to have monthly dividends from your investments, following good performing balanced funds with proven monthly dividend paying track record can be suitable for you... Read More
Suggest 10 best performing funds with consistent dividend payout record

Pleas give list of 10 best performing mutual funds who has record of consistent dividend pay out. I am not able to find any comprehensive data for my apprehension here in the above listed mutual funds?

Apr 11, 2017 by Vitthal,   |   Mutual Fund
To know the top performing funds with consistent dividend paying track record, you should visit our research tool “Consistent Dividend Paying Funds”. Here you can select ‘ALL’ in the Select AMC field and then... Read More
Can you suggest mutual funds paying monthly dividends

I am looking for monthly dividend from mutual fund with growth of my money also. Period I am looking at is of 10 years with the fund. Please advise which fund to invest for monthly dividends?

Apr 11, 2017 by Ramchandran Ganpathy,   |   Mutual Fund
It seems from your query that you are to receive a monthly cash flow (dividends) from your investments in mutual funds in order to meet monthly expenses. There are some good performing balanced funds which... Read More
How to invest in SIPs to get 10 Crores after 20 years

I want 10 crores after a period of 20 years. Kindly advice how do I need to invest in SIP from now onwards?

Apr 11, 2017 by Tarun,   |   Mutual Fund
Glad to note that you want to have 10 Crores after 20 years and wish to plan for that now. SIP is the best way to achieve your long term wealth creation goals as you can accumulate a large corpus by saving... Read More
Should we redeem long term bonds

I just read your article Should you invest in Long Term Debt funds or avoid and following is my query. My Dad aged now 87 and has purchased two Bonds in March 2015, the Bond value Rs. 10 Lakhs each. The coupon Rate rate given is 10.75% payable half yearly, till now we have received the interest 108000, Bond maturity is Aug 2072. Please advice whether it is good decision to redeem these Bonds and invest in Mutual Fund OR to continue with this bonds?

Apr 11, 2017 by Pankaj Gadkari, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
Our article was about investing in long term bond funds. From you query it seems your father has bought some bonds (and not bond funds) with coupon rate of 10.75% payable half-yearly. Since you have not... Read More
Can you suggest funds for getting quarterly returns

Suggest funds in which I get good quarterly returns. I am 72 years old?

Apr 11, 2017 by Opinder Singh Paul,   |   Mutual Fund
There are few ways of getting quarterly returns from mutual funds. You can invest a lump sum amount in any category of funds, like hybrid debt funds, balanced funds, large cap funds or any other equity... Read More
Which fund would be best for SWP as I am retired

I am retired from Bank of India. I wish to invest and opt for SWP. Kindly suggest a minimum investment say Rs. One or Two lakhs. Which best fund for SWP of Rs. 5000 per month for 20 years. What would be the maturity value after SWP for twenty 21 years?

Apr 11, 2017 by Ravindra Flaxman Patwardhan, Ratnagiri  |   Mutual Fund
Since you are retired, we suggest that you can invest in balanced funds for SWP. However, drawing Rs 5,000 per month is very high. We suggest that you should not draw more than 8-9% annually during the... Read More
Let me know SIPs with low risk for long term

I am 21 year old and I want to invest in mutual fund through SIP. I can invest 1000 PM. Please suggest MF scheme for long term. I am new in this field have no idea. And I can take little risk. Please suggest?

Apr 11, 2017 by Kuldeep Bijaka, Jaipur  |   Mutual Fund
Since you can not take much risk but can invest for the long term, you can invest in hybrid debt funds, also know as MIPs. You can see the consistent performing MIPs from here... Read More
Should I do STP from ELSS Fund to open ended fund

I had SIP in HDFC tax saver fund and stopped it 9 months back as my 80C section is now full. HDFC tax saver fund is not performing that good compared to its peers. So I planned to STP the redeemable units monthly to HDFC Mid cap opportunities fund-D-G. I would like to STP all my units periodically, so it comes to around 5 years. Is this the right pick considering the market is at peak or should I go for HDFC balanced fund? I do not have any mid cap funds in my portfolio?

Apr 11, 2017 by Vinayak, Bangalore  |   Mutual Fund
Yes, you can transfer units from your existing investment in HDFC Tax Saver Fund to HDFC Midcap opportunities fund through monthly STP route. The choice of doing STP between two funds - HDFC balanced... Read More
Should I reshuffle my existing mutual fund portfolio

I am 35 years of age. Following are my MF investments: 1. L&T India Special Situations Fund (Growth) - Invested Rs. 6000 (including entry load, etc.) when it was launched (as Fidelity India Special Situations Fund), about 10 - 11 years ago, 2. Reliance Money Manager Fund (Growth) - Lumpsum investment of Rs. 25,000 in February 2016, 3. Birla SL Frontline Equity Fund - Growth (Direct plan) - SIP of Rs. 2000 per month, started in April 2017, for 2 years. I am still invested (Rs. 6000) in the L&T MF. Should I invest more in this scheme, or should I redeem it partially/fully? Or do you recommend maintaining status quo? Professionally, I am a free-lancer with variable monthly income of Rs. 42,000 to Rs.48,000 per month. Some months the income is even zero. I have a little over Rs.5 lacs in PPF as of today (3 years' worth of investment). I want to invest about Rs.3000 to Rs.5000 more per month. Please suggest some good MF schemes which will create wealth in the next 3 to 5 years. I am open to moderate risk. Or do you think I can take higher risk? Kindly advise?

Apr 11, 2017 by Ajay Rathod, India  |   Mutual Fund
Apologies for replying late. Please note the following - You can move out of L&T India Special Situations Funds as it has not been performing as well as the peer group of funds in diversified equity fund category... Read More