Investment, Financial Planning, Mutual Fund & Income Tax Queries

Should I switch to regular plan from dividend plan to start SWP

I have invested Rs 11 lakhs in DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund Direct Plan Dividend pay out in July 2017 as I am retired person and need regular investment. If I convert this investment after one year i.e July 2018 in DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund Growth scheme and start SWP from Aug 2018 in this fund whether SWP installments would be exempted from tax?

Jul 21, 2017 by Mohammad Wasim, Uttarkashi  |   Mutual Fund
If you want to start SWP to get a regular income from your investments, you need not switch to growth option. SWP can be started from any plan / option. Therefore, you can start SWP from DSP Black rock... Read More
Am I investing in right mutual funds to reach my goal of one crore

Three Years back I have started SIPs in the funds mentioned below. These funds have been picked by me. Now I need your kind advise. Requesting your kind help to review my mutual fund portfolio and advise whether any changes are required to my portfolio (in terms of combination of large, mid and small cap funds. And also on the selection of funds). My intention is to create a corpus of 1 crore over period of 10 years. I have SIPs in the following funds: 1. Axis Long Term Equity Fund - Growth - Rs 2000, 2. Birla Sun Life Balanced '95 Fund - Growth - Regular Plan - Rs 2000, 3. Birla Sun Life MNC Fund - Growth - Regular Plan - Rs 2000, 4. Franklin India High Growth Companies Fund - Growth - Rs 2000, 5. Franklin India Prima Plus Growth - Growth - Rs 2000, 6. HDFC Prudence Fund - Regular Plan Growth - Rs 2000, 7. HDFC Top 200 Fund - Regular Plan - Dividend - Rs 2000, 8. IDFC Classic Equity Fund - Growth - (Regular Plan) - Rs 2000, 9. Kotak 50 Equity Scheme - Growth (Regular Plan) - Rs 2000, 10. SBI Small & Midcap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth - Rs 2000, 11. UTI - Mastershare Unit Scheme Direct Plan - Growth - Rs 2000, 12. National Pension Scheme (Investing from last 5 Years) - Rs 5000. Kindly advise whether any changes are required in my portfolio?

Jul 21, 2017 by Ashwini Avinash Sarkhot, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
To reach a goal of one crore after 10 years you need to save Rs 42,400 per month through SIPs (assuming 12% annual returns). You current monthly SIP is of Rs 22,000 only and therefore you need to bridge the... Read More
Can I meet education goal of my daughter with current MF SIPs

I have started SIP of Rs 500 in SBI Magnum Midcap and Rs 500 in SBI Blue Chip, Rs 1000 in DSP BlackRock Small & midcap and Rs 1000 in L&T Midcap Fund. For my daughter higher education (eg Doctor etc) I want to build a corpus of Rs 2500000. Today her age is 4.5 years. Please confirm will this fund give me my require amount after 14 years?

Jul 21, 2017 by Nilanjan, Kolkata  |   Mutual Fund
You are currently investing Rs 3,000 through monthly SIPs and your goal is to get Rs 25 Lakhs when your daughter is 18 years +. Her age is now 4 and half years and therefore you have 14 years of time to... Read More
If I invest from NRO account will it be taxable

I am an NRI and investing in MF as NRI repatriable. Recently I recevied lump sum mony from indian by redeeming my life insurance policy. If i invest this amount in a balance fund is it taxable. I understand if an NRI deposit money in NRO is taxable?

Jul 21, 2017 by Sambasivan, Trivandrum  |   Mutual Fund
Depositing any money in your NRO bank account is not taxable. You can easily invest into balanced funds from your NRO account. If you hold your balanced fund investments for more than a year the returns... Read More
Can you suggest one or two balanced funds for SWP

Please help me select one or two balanced from the list below for my Father. He has a moderate risk appetite. He will be retiring this year and wants to have a SWP setup for his monthly requirements. 1. Franklin India Balanced, 2. HDFC Balanced, 3. ICICI Balanced, 4. SBI Balanced, 5. Birla Sun Life Balanced Advantage and 6. ICICI Balanced advantage. Please advise?

Jul 21, 2017 by Ashwin Sonavane, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
Good to hear that your father wants to start SWP from balanced funds. Following could be good choices from the balanced fund category - ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund, SBI Magnum Balanced Fund and... Read More
Can you suggest schemes from large cap and diversified fund category

Please help me decide to invest in 1 Large cap and 1 Diversified MF via SIP method. I have shortlisted BSL Frontline Equity, Franklin India Bluechip, SBI Bluechip, Franklin India Prima Plus and ICICI Pru Value Discovery. My Risk appetite is Moderately High and investment horizon is 10 years + with consistency in performance. What would be a good combination? Kindly suggest if I have missed out any other names?

Jul 21, 2017 by Ashwin Sonavane, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
You have selected good schemes from the respective categories - large cap and diversified equity funds. However, our suggestion would be two schemes from each category. SBI Bluechip Fund and... Read More
How to see best 10 MF schemes in any category

Best 10 Mutual Fund in any category?

Jul 20, 2017 by Brahmananda Majhi, Kolkata  |   Mutual Fund
To see the 10 best funds in each category, please check the following link in our mutual fund... Read More
Where to invest my money which is lying in bank account

At present I have 1lac cash at my SB A/c. I want to deposit it in Mutual Funds. At the same time I want to start a regular SIP for Rs. 3000 per month. I need your help?

Jul 20, 2017 by Brahmananda Majhi, Kolkata  |   Mutual Fund
Even though you have mentioned the amount that you want to invest, what you have not mentioned is the time horizon for which you want to make the investments and our risk profile. The same applies in... Read More
Should I shift my money from GPF to NPS

Please advise should I shift from GPF to NPS. I have 11Lac in GPF and 14 years to retire. I am investing Rs 10000 in GPF currently. How do i Do that?

Jul 20, 2017 by Prasad Palsingankar, Pune  |   General
Some portion of your savings should always be in debt instruments and/or fixed earning investments. As your GPF money is giving you assured returns and maybe meant for meeting your needs post... Read More
Where to invest my PPF amount as I am retired

Please advised me considering my age 73. I have PPF which is going to be matured November this year. My total amount is 20 lakh. I am retired from business. I have no liability. I have already invested in 16 lakh in HDFC Prudence Fund Direct Dividend pay out. Should I invest in PPF amount in Mutual funds or not?

Jul 20, 2017 by Ram Singh,   |   Mutual Fund
During your retirement years, you need regular income preferably monthly from your accumulated savings. You have already invested in HDFC Prudence Fund and receiving monthly dividends. The amount... Read More
You haven't found the answer for your queries? Do post your queries to us.
Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 300x250
SBI MF Long Term Equity Fund 300x600