Mutual Fund Queries

Should we invest in lump sum or staggered way

I want a answer from an advisor and their thoughts. I have a scenario here for one of my friend's family and they asked me this question on behalf of their son who is 33 years old. They have 25 Lac Rs surplus, and every month my friend has a capacity to invest 20 thousand Rs through SIP. Now I have selected around 6 mutual funds, few of them equity(more) and few debt. In equity one is Large cap and 2 mid cap. Here I might be wrong but based on my research I selected funds. Through SIP my friend will invest 3000-4000 Rs each month in each SIP making total of 20 thousand Rs. However about the surplus, he wants to invest in those same funds 25 lacs distributed, i.e., suppose 3-4 lacs in each fund selected. The horizon is minimum of 15 years, beyond that depends on that situation after 15 years. Questions is should he invest 25 lacs Rs in funds as an initial investment amount along with SIP, or if suppose we select eg., HDFC fund and allotment from him is 4 lacs Rs from 25 lacs plus 4000 Rs SIP every month for 15 years, in this case should 4 lacs go in HDFC in one shot at first instalment along with SIP or 50k-1lac every 2 or 4 months. This is where we are confused, the main confusion is are we allowed to invest more amount in ongoing SIP like above HDFC fund in 2-4 months period or whatever we choose. I will appreciate any good view on our scenario in order to grow money and minimizing risk?

Apr 12, 2017 by Piyush, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
We have following to comment and suggest on your query. Mutual Fund investments should be made based on the investors risk appetite and the investment horizon. We are sure you must have taken care of... Read More
Should I shift some funds from bank account to mutual funds

I would like to invest about Rs. 5 lakhs from my savings bank account into mutual funds if they are profitable. My risk appetite is moderate. Which funds you would suggest for consistent returns?

Apr 12, 2017 by Sanjeevi, Bangalore  |   Mutual Fund
It is a good idea to transfer some investible surplus from your bank account to mutual funds. But whether it will be profitable or not will depend upon your investment objective, investment horizon and risk appetite... Read More
Should we redeem long term bonds

I just read your article Should you invest in Long Term Debt funds or avoid and following is my query. My Dad aged now 87 and has purchased two Bonds in March 2015, the Bond value Rs. 10 Lakhs each. The coupon Rate rate given is 10.75% payable half yearly, till now we have received the interest 108000, Bond maturity is Aug 2072. Please advice whether it is good decision to redeem these Bonds and invest in Mutual Fund OR to continue with this bonds?

Apr 11, 2017 by Pankaj Gadkari, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund
Our article was about investing in long term bond funds. From you query it seems your father has bought some bonds (and not bond funds) with coupon rate of 10.75% payable half-yearly. Since you have not... Read More
How to invest in SIPs to get 10 Crores after 20 years

I want 10 crores after a period of 20 years. Kindly advice how do I need to invest in SIP from now onwards?

Apr 11, 2017 by Tarun,   |   Mutual Fund
Glad to note that you want to have 10 Crores after 20 years and wish to plan for that now. SIP is the best way to achieve your long term wealth creation goals as you can accumulate a large corpus by saving... Read More
Can you suggest funds for getting quarterly returns

Suggest funds in which I get good quarterly returns. I am 72 years old?

Apr 11, 2017 by Opinder Singh Paul,   |   Mutual Fund
There are few ways of getting quarterly returns from mutual funds. You can invest a lump sum amount in any category of funds, like hybrid debt funds, balanced funds, large cap funds or any other equity... Read More
Can you let me know top dividend paying funds

Please suggest me few stocks and mutual fund with dividend. I want to invest around 2 lakh with moderate risk?

Apr 11, 2017 by Vishal, Pune .  |   Mutual Fund
Since we do not have historical dividend data of stocks we are unable to help you. However, you can check the most consistent dividend paying funds in hybrid debt fund category and balanced fund category... Read More
Where to invest my gratuity amount to get monthly dividends

I need your guidance from your end on the funds which give regular monthly high dividends with proven record. I have got Gratuity amount last month when I resigned the job. I have 15 lakhs for investment. I need to invest this amount in 3-4 mutual funds which will pay me regular monthly dividend for my monthly expenses. Kindly guide me where should I invest this amount?

Apr 11, 2017 by CSN Rao,   |   Mutual Fund
Since you are retired and seek to have monthly dividends from your investments, following good performing balanced funds with proven monthly dividend paying track record can be suitable for you... Read More
How to get regular monthly dividends from mutual funds

I am interested to invest a lump sum approx 6 lakhs amount in monthly dividend payout funds. So, please I request you suggest me best performing 5-6 mutual funds with high monthly dividend. I need compulsory monthly dividends?

Apr 11, 2017 by M Rammohan Rao,   |   Mutual Fund
It seems from your query that you require a monthly cash flow (dividends) from your investments in mutual funds in order to meet monthly expenses. There are some good performing balanced category of mutual... Read More
Can you suggest mutual funds paying monthly dividends

I am looking for monthly dividend from mutual fund with growth of my money also. Period I am looking at is of 10 years with the fund. Please advise which fund to invest for monthly dividends?

Apr 11, 2017 by Ramchandran Ganpathy,   |   Mutual Fund
It seems from your query that you are to receive a monthly cash flow (dividends) from your investments in mutual funds in order to meet monthly expenses. There are some good performing balanced funds which... Read More
Suggest 10 best performing funds with consistent dividend payout record

Pleas give list of 10 best performing mutual funds who has record of consistent dividend pay out. I am not able to find any comprehensive data for my apprehension here in the above listed mutual funds?

Apr 11, 2017 by Vitthal,   |   Mutual Fund
To know the top performing funds with consistent dividend paying track record, you should visit our research tool “Consistent Dividend Paying Funds”. Here you can select ‘ALL’ in the Select AMC field and then... Read More