How to help clients view their portfolios on phone

How can I view returns of the companies registered with Karvy other than from The companies registered with CAMS are easy to track since CAMS has an app on the phone, but I am not able to find the app of Karvy. I need my clients to track their returns on the phone.

Apr 28, 2016 by Umang Jhaveri, Mumbai  |   Financial Advisory

From your query it is not clear if you want to check the return of companies or Mutual Funds from You have mentioned companies but I guess you want to see the returns of Mutual Funds since you have also mentioned CAMS. It is also not clear if you want to see the returns of Mutual Funds in general or for your investments or your clients investments in particular.

Please note that, to enable your investors see their respective portfolio valuations, they will have to create a separate login here to see a consolidated view based on their respective email IDs. However, please note that the investor will be able to see the entire portfolio in one place only if he has registered the email Id with each and every folio. Otherwise, this portfolio viewer will only show the schemes where the email Id is registered.

This interface is currently not mobile responsive therefore, your investors will not have good user experience viewing their respective mutual fund portfolios on mobile.

The other option is that, if you are a AMFI registered Mutual Fund Advisor, then you may have your own website and consolidate your client data in one place and help your investors see their respective portfolios on your website or on their respective mobile phones. To have your own website a portfolio tracker like this, you may contact us.

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