Can you compare MFU and NSE platform or any other platform for my investors

I need comparison among MFU, NSEnMF and any other software/package against my requirement of giving online solution/access to my clients for subscription to investment/redemption/switching/Portfolio watch etc. If you could please suggest and advise in this matter?

Jun 13, 2016 by Arvind Arora, New Delhi  |   Financial Advisory

MF Utility (MFU) is an initiative from the Mutual Fund Industry which offers convenience to Distributors and RIAs for transacting in Mutual Fund schemes. MFU facilitates the investors of the Distributors or RIAs with a Common Account Number (CAN) which enables them to transact in multiple schemes of various Mutual Funds participating in MFU through a single transaction and consolidated payment system By obtaining CAN the Distributors or RIAs with can have online access to submit investor transactions thereby improving their service capabilities. This minimises efforts in handling transactions at their back office with substantial cost savings. However, please note that once the investors gets the CAN number, he can also directly transact through the platform and gets assess to the direct plans of mutual Funds. Therefore, if you are RIA and propagate direct plan then MFU can be the ideal platform for you.

The NSE Mutual Fund Platform provides with the same facility as that of the above with seamless connection between NSE, NSCCL, AMC, RTA and distributors. The platform eliminates paperwork significantly thereby reducing operational risks involved in paperwork and paper transit. Distributors also have the facility of enabling their investors to opt for online transacting. Investors have the benefit of single view of their mutual fund investment. Distributor would have view of all his customers transactions carried out through this platform. However Common Account Number (CAN) is not mandatory for transacting through this platform. You can see the details here!

With regards to the other part of your question – showing online portfolio view to the clients – Here, we think that you should have your own online portfolio tracker integrated in your website. The benefit of this tracker is that investor can come to you website and see his entire portfolio irrespective of how he has transacted in the schemes – Offline or online or maybe transacted through some other intermediary before becoming your client. If you are looking for this solution then you can write to us as we have developed a tracker for this purpose.

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