Do you provide professional investment advisory services

I am interested in seeking professional investment advisory services. Would like to know if you render such services & if yes then the modus of doing so along with the charges?

Dec 12, 2016 by Gaurav Datta,   |   Financial Advisory

We do not provide full scale Investment Advisory Services against a fee.

At Advisorkhoj, our idea is to create investment and financial planning awareness amongst the masses in order to make them informed investors. However, we reply to general queries with regards to mutual fund, Insurance and other investing ideas so that investor can benefit from our domain knowledge, research and content.

If you have any general query, then you may send to us and we will reply. In case you want to avail the services of a full time professional investment advisor then do share with us the city you are located at. We will help you connect with one of the good advisors located in that city.

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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