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If you decide to take a train to go to a specific place, don't you study the route and the stops along the way, and finally alight at your destination? Similarly, investing for your future...Read More

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To do so you can either put away your 'not to be spent income' in traditional saving routes, or you can invest and make your money work harder. Thereby, giving you more money to spend....Read More

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Do you think investments are synonymous to lump sums? The reason why you have been shying away from investments is you were under the impression that you need a big amount of money to generate substantial returns...Read More

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Only a minority of the vast Indian population invest to build a financial future. This lack of investments points towards the untapped potential of wealth creation that exists and the solid future foundation these investments could build. India consists...Read More

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It is easy to assume that the lifestyle you maintain today will continue for the rest of your life. ‘The rest of your life’ includes the time period post retirement. How do you plan to maintain the same lifestyle with a fixed income? Let us...Read More

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Somebody told you about investments and you may have caught a few words like ‘high returns’, ‘small amounts’, ‘compounding’ and these words stayed because these are words we all like to hear...Read More

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The usual reasons why investors start investing are because either they need to save taxes or just because they have some surplus in their bank accounts. Most of the investments are made...Read More

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Interest is calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods of an investment. Compound interest can be thought of as "interest on interest," and...Read More

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Investments are not for the rich. They are to make you rich. To be able to start this journey you start small towards building a substantial corpus. As kids we all had the habit of investing of...Read More

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It is always recommended that investors should consult with a financial advisor before making an investment. Good financial advisors have helped many investors meet their financial goals...Read More


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