Which SIP funds should I invest for long term and short term

I am new to this SIP and mutual fund market. I read you post and found interesting. I would like to know - for investing in SIP, which is the best for returns and other things. Could you also suggest which is the best plan for long term or short term investment and growth?

Dec 13, 2016 by Hema Chavan, Pune  |   Mutual Fund

Thanks for the kind words about Advisorkhoj.

Please note that investment in mutual funds should be based on your risk taking appetite and investment horizon. The higher risk you take, the higher is the probability of return.

Having said the above, if you want to invest in SIPs for short term (less than or up to 5 years) then you should invest in debt or hybrid debt oriented funds. However, if your risk appetite is high and the investment horizon more than 5 years, then you can also invest in equity mutual funds.

If you have the desired risk appetite, then equity mutual funds could be the best option for creating long term wealth. Please check the SIP returns of various fund categories from here -

SIP returns - diversified equity funds - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

SIP returns - mid and small cap funds - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

SIP returns - debt funds - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

SIP returns - hybrid debt funds - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

Hope the above helps. Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj

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