Which Sundaram Mutual Fund scheme would be good for SWP for me

Which of the Sundaram Mutual Funds would be good for SWP for me. I am a senior citizen?

Jul 25, 2019 by Rabindra Chandra Bhattachara, Kolkata  |   Mutual Fund

Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund could be a good choice for you as you are looking to invest for the purpose of SWP while not taking much risk. Equity Hybrid funds were earlier known as Balanced Funds. These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt products, and therefore, less risky compared to pure equity funds. These funds could be ideal choice for senior citizens who can take moderately high risk in the long term and have minimum 5-7 years of investment horizon.

Read more about these funds and SWPs here > https://www.advisorkhoj.com/rmf...

With regards to Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund, please note that this is a top performing fund in the hybrid aggressive category of funds. We reviewed this fund sometime back and highlighted its performance in details which you may read https://www.advisorkhoj.com/articles/mutual-funds...

While answering your query, we also looked into SWP return of this fund and found it quite impressive - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds-research...

For example - We assumed investing Rs 10 Lakhs on 1st Jan14 and started withdrawing Rs 7,000 per month from the next month, i.e. 1st Feb14. We continued the monthly SWP till date and found that the fund has given around 11% annualized returns during the period. The current value of the investment is Rs 11.46 Lakhs even after withdrawing Rs 4.62 Lakhs during this period. The annual withdrawal rate we chosen was 8.4% (0.70% x 12 months). You may analyze the SWP return in detail from the link shared above.

Hope you find the above answer useful and helpful in selecting Sundaram Equity Hybrid Fund for your SWP investment purpose.

Happy investing !

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