Which funds should I invest for my Rs. 5000 SIP for 15 years

I would like to invest Rs. 5,000/- per month in SIP (Mutual funds) for ten to fifteen years. Please suggest me how to divide this amount and the best funds for investment. (I mean how much I need to invest in each fund from those five thousand every month?) I am 40 years old now. SIP means do we need to invest in the same fund for ten to fifteen years or we have to change the fund every month?

Dec 6, 2016 by Dr.Siva,   |   Mutual Fund

Diversified equity funds are the best category of equity funds for long term SIP investing.

I think, you should not invest in more than 2 funds. You may select couple of diversified equity funds from here – Top performing diversified equity mutual funds SIP

Once you have selected the funds and invested in it, you need not change them frequently. For long term wealth creation it is essential that you remain invested in the funds for long term provided they are performing well. Therefore, you need not change funds frequently, instead you should review your mutual fund investment portfolio or fund performance at least once every year.

Please read why you should review your mutual fund portfolio?

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