Where to invest 20 Lakhs if investment horizon is 5 years

What is your suggestion to invest 20 Lakhs in Mutual Funds for pure investment purpose (5 years time horizon)?

Dec 14, 2016 by Vathsala Rao, Bangalore  |   Mutual Fund

Investing in mutual funds should be based on your ability to take risk and investment horizon. That means, you should choose funds suitable to your risk profile.

We are not sure what is your risk profile, therefore, difficult for us to give a clear answer to your query.

However, you may check this tool to know the suggested fund categories based on your age and risk profile https://www.advisorkhoj.com/tools-and-calculators...

Once you are done with this, you may please explore our Mutual Fund Research section and select the top performing funds from the respective fund categories https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

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UTI MF Quant Fund NFO 300x250
Nippon Multi Asset Allocation Fund 300x600