Should I stagger Mutual Fund SIPs over various dates in a month

Thank you for all the wonderful information posted on your website. Please advise, while investing INR 15K per month into one Balanced Mutual Fund for period of 10-15 years, is it okay to pick one day of the month to start the SIP on the entire amount of 15K or we should break this into smaller amount for different days of month eg INR 5K on day 1 of each month, then INR 5000 on day 14 of each month and then finally INR 5000 on day 28 of the each month?

Jul 19, 2017 by Parvati Choudhury,   |   Mutual Fund

There is no data which shows that if you invest through SIPs on different dates the returns would be higher. However, we have found that many investors do stagger their SIP auto debit dates in a month anticipating benefit from different NAVs in a month.

Many AMCs have also introduced weekly SIPs.

However, we feel that one should keep it simple. If your SIP is for the long term, investing the entire amount on one date or multiple dates would not make much difference.

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj and here wishing you long term investing success through SIPs.

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