Should I invest in Mutual Funds as the market is at its peak

Market is at its peak, is it advisable to invest in MF?

Sep 9, 2016 by Seetharam Sudhir,   |   Mutual Fund

Yes, stock market is close to its all time high.

Investing in mutual funds totally depend upon your time horizon, risk taking appetite and future goals. You should check the right asset allocation of funds for you Based on these parameters, there are various category of funds and schemes to choose from. Please check this tool where you get to know the top performing funds in each category

Having said the above, if you feel that markets are at its peak and equities look risky from here onwards, then you can choose to invest in debt funds which offers wide choices based on your investment horizon and objective.

Reading the following two articles can make help you in your decision to invest in debt funds –

In case you need further help, do write to us.

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