Should I invest in lump sum or through SIPs in ELSS

Thank you very much answering my query about top ELSS Funds, now kindly suggest me if we invest in one go in investing Rs. 150,000 each or route through SIP of Rs. 15,000 and 3000 in each fund, please also advise how I utilize the remaining amount with me, how to invest gainfully for one year. In your details I have read that I can see all my MF investments at one place, kindly advise & elaborate & oblige?

May 13, 2017 by Ashok Goyal, Muktsar  |   Mutual Fund

Whether to invest in lump sum or through SIPs depends on the liquidity you have in hand. You can even invest in staggered manner, i.e. whenever you have some funds you can invest. However, it has been found that investing through SIPs is a better way in a sense that you get the benefit of rupee cost averaging and also follow a disciplined approach to investing in mutual funds.

With regards to investing the remaining amount for one year, you can choose short term funds from this link

To see a consolidated view of your portfolio, you can enter your mutual fund investment details in the portfolio tracker of Valueresearchonline or Moneycontrol.

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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