Kindly let me know the status of my investment in UTI ETSP Fund

My following investment is completely lost. So far I haven't received any return from this investment. Kindly let me know the status of this investment. Scheme: UTI - ETSP, Invest to ID/ Folio No: 244450911, Name-Suresh Chandra Jha?

Sep 6, 2016 by Suresh Chandra Jha, Raigarh  |   Mutual Fund

We cannot provide you the details of your investments in UTI – ETSP Fund (UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan) as these informations are available with the AMC or their registrars only.

You should contact the local UTI Mutual Fund office or the registrar’s office (Karvy Computershare) or contact the AMC directly at their toll free phone number at 1800221230 or write to them at

Please note that UTI – ETSP Fund (UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan) is an ELSS mutual fund scheme and was renamed as UTI Long Term Equity Fund (Tax Saving) in December 2015.

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