I want to learn more about mutual funds

I am new to Mutual Fund can you suggest me way of learning mutual funds and I would like to invest Rs 40,000 lump sum can you suggest me some funds?

May 22, 2017 by Siva, Chennai  |   Mutual Fund

Glad to note that you want to learn about mutual funds. We have a dedicated section on mutual funds which might help you in your quest to learn mutual funds. do check this Mutual fund learning centre.

Apart from this you can subscribe to our daily newsletter and go through the articles we share with our readers. We already have huge archive of articles which you can read whenever you have time Mutual Fund Articles

With regards to your investments, you have not mentioned the investment horizon. Please note that if your investment horizon is less than 6 month, you can invest in liquid funds, if it is less than 3 years, you can invest in short term funds, in case of 3 years or more, invest in debt funds and if the horizon is 5 years then investing in balanced funds will make sense. As you are new to mutual funds, we are not suggesting equity funds. Equity funds can be suggested only if your risk taking ability is high and investment horizon minimum 5 years.

Do check the top performing fund names from here and invest in a fund suitable to you Top consistent mutual fund performers.

Hope the above helps! Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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ABSL MF Gamification FingoMF 300x250
Canara Robeco Balanced Advantage Fund NFO 300x600