How to know which SIP is the best plan

How to know which SIP is the best plan?

Jan 9, 2017 by Manjeet Sangwan,   |   Mutual Fund

Mutual Fund are the only investment option which offers you a wide array of choice of funds to invest for your different life goals – long term as well as short term. The selection of funds should be based on your investment horizon, risk profile, purpose of investment and financial goals.

Therefore, unless we know why you want to invest and how long is your investment horizon, it is difficult to answer your query. Please note that in each fund category there are top performing funds and therefore, you will have to choose the ones suiting to your risk profile.

We suggest that you try this tool first to know you risk profile and then select funds accordingly. Please check our research section on SIPs which might help you –

Which are the top performing SIP funds in diversified equity category

Which are the top performing SIP funds in large cap category

Which are the top performing SIP funds in mid and small cap category

Which are the top performing SIP funds in ELSS category

Which are the top performing SIP funds in Balanced Fund category

Hope the above helps. However, if you have further queries do write to us again.

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