How can I reach my investment goal after 5 years

I have funds close to 30 lakhs in mutual funds. My current age is 29 and my goal is to accumulate 1 crore in next 5 years. Current allocation is 60% debt funds and 40% in equities. I save 35,000 monthly in equity mutual funds and 2 lacs every year in debt funds. Please suggest if I should transfer some money from debt to equity or increase my monthly investments. I cannot defer my goal and I could increase my savings to any limit. I am a moderately conservative investor?

Aug 24, 2017 by Mohit Malhotra, Delhi  |   Mutual Fund

You query is not very clear.

You have mentioned that you have Rs 30 Lakhs in mutual funds. Again you have mentioned that you invest Rs 35,000 per month in equity funds and Rs 2 Lakhs every year in debt funds. Our question is whether the 30 Lakhs that you have in mutual funds is over and above the SIP of Rs 35,000 and lump sum of Rs 2 Lakhs which you are saving in debt funds every year?

As we are not sure, we can only guess and put the answer following way -

If you have Rs 30 Lakhs in mutual funds and the same is invested in equity funds, then assuming 12% annual return you can make only Rs 53 Lakhs

Now the question is how to get another Rs 47 Lakhs to meet your goal of Rs 1 Crore? You can start a SIP of Rs 55,000 in balanced funds considering your risk profile. Assuming 12% annual returns you can accumulate Rs 47 Lakhs from this SIP after 5 years. However, if you already have a SIP of Rs 35,000 in equity funds and also saving Rs 2 Lakhs in debt funds every year, you are set to achieve your goal of 1 Crore after 5 years.

Hope the above helps!

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj!

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