How can I get the redemption proceed from my husband's Mutual Fund investment

I have received a letter regd. folio no. 5105000746 LIC MF Equity Fund - Growth Plan. But sorry to inform you that my husband shyama pada roy expired on 28.01.2013 and I am not getting any policy. So please guide me how i can get my maturity amount?

Dec 4, 2016 by Bharati Roy, Sainthia Birbhum  |   Mutual Fund

It is very unfortunate that your husband expired and you did not know about his investment in this particular fund.

You should immediately contact the nearest LIC Mutual Fund office or write to - The Investor Relations Officer, Ms Sonali Pandit, LIC Mutual Fund Asset Management Ltd., Industrial Assurance Building, 4th Floor, Opp. Churchgate Station, Mumbai - 400020. Tel No (Board) +91 22 - 6601 6000 and Email Id:

You may also write to their registrars Karvy Consultants Ltd. at

Hope the above helps! Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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