Do you think the funds chosen by me are good or can you suggest good funds

I am Rohit Jain, 28 yrs. Currently I have SIP in Franklin India Smaller Co. Fund (Rs.3000), Franklin India Prima Fund (Rs.3000), Birla SL Frontline Fund (Rs.5000), Kotak Select Focus Fund (Rs.5000), DSPBR Micro Cap Fund (Rs.5000), ICICI PRU Value Discovery Fund (Rs.5000). I want to start more SIP, for this I am considering Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund, Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund. I want to invest for long term (Min. 10 years). Do you think the above funds are good or can you suggest me good funds?

Oct 14, 2016 by Rohit Jain, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund

Your fund selection is good and these are amongst top performing in their respective categories. The three funds you have chosen out of six are from mid and small cap category, two are from diversified category and one from large cap category, thus this selection of funds makes your portfolio quite aggressive.

You have not mentioned your investment horizon but we at Advisorkhoj feel, that investing in aggressive equity mutual funds should have more than 5 years of investment horizon.

With regards to your selection of two new funds, please note that both are mid cap funds and good for aggressive investors.

Thanks for writing to us.

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