Can you suggest MFs from where I can earn regular dividends

Can you suggest a MF so that on investing RS 10 Lakhs at present NAV I can earn min. Rs. 8500 to 9000 per month in the form of dividend/interest?

Sep 8, 2016 by Biman Kumar Chatterjee,   |   Mutual Fund

Considering your occupation and age, we had earlier suggested you to invest in balanced funds. Balanced funds are ideal to withdraw a regular return from your investments in form of SWP.

By investing Rs. 10 Lakhs in lump sum in balanced funds, you can withdraw a fixed amount every month but the total annual withdrawal should not exceed 8-9% during the first 1-2 years. Based on how the funds perform, you may increase the monthly withdrawal amount later.

Please read this to understand balanced fund and SWPs better –

With regards to regular dividends from balanced funds, there are few funds which are regularly paying month or quarterly dividends. You may check the dividend paying track records of these funds from the links given below –

SBI Magnum Balanced fund

ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund

Reliance Regular Savings Fund

DSP BlackRock Balanced Fund

Canara Robeco Balanced Fund

Birla Sun Life Balanced 95 Fund

For rest of the funds, please check the dividends from here –

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360 One MF Flexicap Fund 300x250
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