Which are the best mutual funds to invest in

I want to invest lumsump amount 25000 please suggest best mutual fund for this amount?

Jul 15, 2019 by Manish kumawat, Ambala  |   Mutual Fund

You have mentioned only the lump sum amount that you want to invest in mutual funds. But the most important criteria for investing in mutual funds are your risk taking appetite and the investment time horizon. Details of both are missing in your query.

Please note that your risk taking appetite helps in selecting the right category of funds. Whether you can take moderate risk, low risk or high risk is very important for fund selection. Knowing the investment time horizon is equally important as mutual funds have solution from 1 day investment to life long!

Therefore, to enable us answer your question better, we suggest that you provide these two details to us.

In the meantime you can go through our blog section https://www.advisorkhoj.com/articles and mutual fund research section https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds-research to keep your self informed about mutual fund investing

Wishing you the best!

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