Where should I invest to get monthly dividends

I want to invest 5 lakhs in mutual funds. I want monthly dividends and also want to grow my principle amount. Please, suggest me some funds to invest on?

Sep 12, 2016 by Sahil, Jamshedpur  |   Mutual Fund

You should invest in Mutual Funds based on your risk taking appetite. From your query it is not clear how much risk you can take. This would have helped you in answering your query better.

However, you want monthly dividends and capital appreciation from your investments in mutual funds. Therefore, if you are moderate risk taker, then you can invest in hybrid debt oriented funds (also known as MIPs) and opt for monthly dividends. You may check the scheme names and dividend payout details from here - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

In case you can take higher risk, then you may even invest in balanced funds. There are few good performing balanced funds which also pay monthly dividends and you can select them from here https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

Hope the above helps! In case you have further queries do share with us. Thanks!

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