What is the tax on redemption of capital protection fund and the Cost Inflation Index

My investment in a Capital Protection fund just matured after completing 3+ years and I am trying to determine the income tax liability for long term capital gains. From reading your past blogs, I understand that long term capital gains are taxed @20% with indexation. So, please advise how I can obtain the cost inflation index for the year of purchase (2013) and year of maturity (2016)?

Aug 4, 2016 by Harish Sadasivan, Bangalore  |   Taxation

You are right. The long term capital gains tax on debt funds (if units are held for more than three years) is applicable @20% with indexation + 15% surcharge + 3% Cess = Total 23.69%

The cost inflation index from 2012-13 to 2016-17 is as follows –

2012-13 – 852

2013-14 – 939

2014-15 – 1024

2015-16 – 1081

2016-17 – 1125

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