Want to know funds for SIP for 10 years

I want to invest over the period of ten years in SIP. Kindly mention some good mutual funds having excellent track record?

Jan 15, 2017 by Anup Kumar Upadhyaya, Kolkata  |   Mutual Fund

Before investing in mutual funds, it is best to assess your risk profile first. This is important as scheme selection should be based on the risk that you can take.

Generally, investor invest in various types of equity funds for their long term investment objectives. In your case, for example - if you can take high risk then you may invest in SIPs in diversified equity funds or mid & small cap funds. If you can take moderately high risk, then choosing large cap funds for your SIP will be wise. However, if you are a moderate risk taker, then investing in balance funds could be the best option.

Our top performing SIP funds may help you in selecting schemes for your long term SIPs - https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds...

Hope the above is helpful to you. Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj !

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