Should I continue with Canara Robeco Equity Diversified Fund SIP

Since 2013 August, I have been investing 5000 Per Month in the scheme Canara Robeco Equity Diversified Fund - Growth. My investment horizon is 5+ Years but these days, I am noticing loss in the invested amount. Should I continue with the same or switch to other better performing fund, please suggest?

Feb 8, 2016 by Vijay, Ghaziabad  |   Mutual Fund

Please note that we do not give fund specific suggestion. Due to market volatility, it is possible that SIPs or lumpsum investments might show negative returns. However, the volatile markets are also a good opportunity to accumulate units a lower price.

I request you to look at the SIP performance of Diversified equity Fund category through this link and decide if you want to continue with this fund or not.

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