Should I replace funds in my current mutual fund portfolio

Following are my monthly SIPs: Rs 10000 SBI Blue Chip, SBI Magnum Global Rs 14000, SBI Emerging Rs 3000, SBI Pharma Rs 3000, HDFC Top 200 Rs 5000, HDFC Equity Fund Rs 5000, Reliance Growth Fund Rs 8000, Jeevan Saral 7000, ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund Rs 10,000 DSPBR Micro Cap Fund Rs 10000, DSPBR Rs 5000, Birla Sun Life Top 100 Fund Rs 5000, Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity fund Lump Sum, Birla Treasury Optimizer. Lump sum last one year my returns are not very good in SBI Magnum, SBI Pharma, SBI Emerging Fund. Should I exit from these fund and do a lumsump investment also do I need to add or delete something in my portfolio?

Apr 9, 2017 by Nitin Bajpai, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund

We feel that you are investing in too many funds through SIPs.

Please note that even though we do not know your investment objective or horizon, generally speaking, SIP investments in diversified equity funds are best fit for achieving long term investment success.

From you SIP list, we think, you should remove SBI Pharma Fund, SBI Magnum Global and SBI Emerging Business Fund and replace them with additional allocation of Rs 10,000 in SBI Bluechip Fund. With the rest Rs 10,000 you can start a SIP in SBI Magnum Midcap Fund.

Rest of the SIP fund selection is okay excepting one fund 'DSPBR' for which you have not mentioned the fund name.

We are not commenting on your Jeevan Saral policy as we think investing and insurance are two different aspects and for ensuring your life, in order to protect the financial future of your family, life insurance term plans are the best option.

Birla Sun Life Treasury Optimiser is a top performing debt fund and best suited for your short term/ medium term investment needs. Therefore, you can stay invested in the fund if you have some short term investment goals.

With regards to return on your lump sum investments, you again need to replace these funds with SBI Bluechip Fund, SBI Magnum Multi-cap Fund and SBI Magnum Midcap Fund. Do these changes and you should see the desired results over 3-4 years time.

Hope you find the above suggestions useful. Thanks for writing to us.

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