Should I make my fund selection more aggressive

(Age – 33) I am investing in 6 MF’s through SIP - HDFC Balanced Fund(G), Franklin India Small Companies Direct (G), ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund(G), SBI Blue Chip (G), UTI Mid Cap (G) and Franklin India High Growth Companies (G), with total monthly investment of INR 32,000, total value as on date is around 24 Lakhs. For getting the fixed income, I am also investing 4.5 Lakhs yearly in PPF? Query :- Selection of MF is correct ? / When I have a longer period, should I select more aggressive funds or should I continue with it or should I invest in direct equity (Shares), please respond to this.

Sep 20, 2016 by Pradeep, New Delhi  |   Mutual Fund

Your fund selection is a good mix of balanced, diversified, mid & small cap and large cap schemes and therefore, we feel that, there is no need to change it.

Investing in mutual funds instead of direct equity is the best option as your fund management is in expert hands. Unless you are an expert, taking the direct equity market investing route could be a riskier proposition for you.

The maximum amount that one can invest annually in PPF is 150,000. You have mentioned investing Rs. 450,000 yearly, can you please explain? Thanks!

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