Is my mutual fund portfolio allocation fine

I am 62, years old. My present portfolio in various mutual fund in equity: 4.25 lakhs and Balanced fund: 2.30 lakhs. Now what to reallocate?

Sep 9, 2016 by Probhat Gogoi, Guwahati  |   Mutual Fund

On the basis of your one line query it is difficult to tell you exactly where and what to reallocate?

It should be based on your risk taking appetite and time horizon of the investment. You may like to check this

Having said the above, considering your age you should allocate more to debt funds or balanced funds. But before you do that, check the right asset allocation of funds for you from the above tool and write back to us in case you need further help.

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SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 300x250
Bandhan Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index Fund NFO 300x600