Is my fund selection good for STP for the long term

First of all let me congratulate for your site and providing very useful tips on mutual funds. Regarding my query I am planning to invest lump sum amount of rupees 2 lakhs on following STP plans. 1. Birla Sun Life Front Line Equity Fund Direct from Birla Sun Life Cash Plus Debt Fund Rs 100000, 2. SBI Magnum Multiplier Fund Direct from SBI Insta Cash Fund for Rs 100000. So, please suggest me for above funds selection is okay or not. My risk may be at medium level and investment horizon will be more than 10 years?

May 10, 2017 by Srinivas, Alleppey  |   Mutual Fund

You have selected right funds - liquid and equity - for your STP investments. Even though, your investment horizon is 10 years+, have you decided how long would be the STP period? This is very important as a very long term STP may not work in your favour considering where the markets are now. We think, you should not opt for a period greater than 12 months!

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