Is my chosen investments right for 3 to 5 years horizon

Hi, Firstly many thanks for all the valuable information provided on your website with regards to investments, it helps a lot for financial planning. Would appreciate if you could let me know on my investments, if this is the right investment I have chosen keeping in mind a time horizon for 3-5 years. I have invested Rs. One Lac (Lump sum) each in the below mentioned Mutual Funds. Below are the names 1) DSP BlackRock - Focus 25 Fund (Regular Plan Growth), 2) HDFC - High Interest Fund - Dynamic Plan, 3) ICICI Dynamic Bond Fund - Growth, 4) Kotak 50 Equity Scheme Growth, 5) Reliance - Dynamic Bond Fund - Growth?

Sep 20, 2016 by Ashley Fernandes, Mumbai  |   Mutual Fund

Yes, you have chosen the right schemes.

But, you should have an investment horizon of 5 years or more for DSP BlackRock Focus 25 Fund and Kotak 50 scheme as these are equity funds

However, for rest of the schemes, the horizon of 3-5 years is fine.

Thanks for writing to us.

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