Is my SIP fund selection good for the long term

I am 32 years old from Delhi. I am investing in MF SIP as follows: Franklin India Prima Plus 2000, Franklin India Prima Fund 4000, Franklin India Smaller Companies 4000, DSP BlackRock Micro Cap Fund 4000 from last 1 year. All SIP in direct mode and Growth option. I want to invest Rs. 5000 per month more in SIP. Please suggest good funds and advise my fund selection is good or not. My investment horizon is long term?

Oct 17, 2016 by Sandeep Gupta, Delhi  |   Mutual Fund

You have selected aggressive equity funds for your long term SIP. If your risk taking ability is high then the fund selection is good. The selected funds are top performers amongst their respective categories.

Doing SIP for the long term is the best way for wealth creation. However, you need to review your portfolio at least once every one or two years to see if the performance of the selected funds are aligned to your long term goals.

Happy investing! And, thanks for writing to us.

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