How to start investing in mutual funds in India to reach my goals

I am planning to invest for a period of 15-20 years. My two goals: 1) My two kids education after 15 years, 2) Sufficient money to live after Retirement after 20 years. I can take moderate risk and expecting aggressive growth. How much should I invest and in what funds?

Sep 3, 2017 by Praveena, Bangalore  |   Mutual Fund

You cannot take moderate risk and expect aggressive growth because risk and returns are directly related. We do not want you to be disappointed and therefore you should have the right expectations. Since, you risk profile is moderate, balanced funds are the appropriate funds for you. Please see top most consistent balanced funds in our tool Top 10 Mutual Funds in India – Balanced Funds Equity Oriented.

Top performing balanced funds have given 12 – 15% annualized returns in the last 10 years. However, it is always prudent to be conservative and expect a little less than historical returns so that, you invest the adequate amount and do not short of your investment goal. You should assume a certain rate of return (e.g. 12%) and calculate how much to invest. You can use our retirement planning calculator to estimate how much you need to invest to meet your retirement savings goal. For your kid’s education you can use our children’s education calculator.

Hope you find the above suggestions helpful.

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