Can you tell me if my SIP performance has been good

Since last 5 years I have invested in different Mutual funds through SIP close to Rs. 7,60,100 and my overall return is Rs. 9,92,988 would you consider this is good return or do you feel I would have planned better and this is not good return?

Sep 26, 2016 by Prashant Mishra, Hyderabad  |   Mutual Fund

Regret to say that it is very difficult to answer your query as you have not mentioned the fund name or category of funds, monthly SIP amount, exact start and end dates etc.

Please note that top performing diversified equity funds, which is a popular category of funds for doing SIPs, have given 22-25% annualised return in the last 5 year While, top performing large cap funds have given only 17-21% return in the last 5 year

Therefore, to judge the SIP performance of your funds it is important that you share the fund names or check yourself our research section as to how your funds have done

Hope the above helps. Thanks!

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