Can you answer one query about mutual funds

I am trying to understand Mutual funds and many of my questions are answered in your web site. Thank you. Still I have one question before investment; i.e., Few Mutual funds after 1 year returns are very good after or at least good increase till 1 year. Latter 2nd year returns reduces. How is it possible (I do understand markets risks are always their). Is their any info I am missing?

Jun 10, 2017 by Reddy, Bangalore  |   Mutual Fund

Glad that you wrote to us and found that our website could answer many of your questions. To know more about mutual funds, do visit this section and explore. The question you have in mind is a common one and we answered this recently to one of the investors. Do read this and we are sure your confusion will be cleared.

Thanks for writing to us.

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PGIM MF Large And Mid Cap Fund June 300x600