Can balanced fund dividends help meeting the monthly expenses

I've seen your website very lately and impressed with the data and tools provided. I immediately signed up to use it to the fullest. Double thumbs-up keep up the good work. I'm looking for this kind of site for quite long time. I'm planning to invest lump sum amount in monthly dividend paying Equity fund. I'm in search good fund which pays dividend consistently, better than bank or post office FD, close to 12 to 15%. Kindly let me know your suggestion on my preference?

Mar 31, 2017 by Chandra Mohan S,   |   Mutual Fund

Thanks for the kind words. Happy to note that you liked our website and found the data and tools useful.

Please note that there are hardly any equity funds which pays monthly dividend regularly, as desired by you. However, there are few good performing balanced funds which pays dividend monthly and/ or quarterly. Probably these can serve your purpose. You can explore these funds from here - (Consistent dividend paying balanced funds).

Some of the popular balanced funds paying monthly dividends are as follows :-

ICICI Prudential Balanced Fund

DSP BlackRock Balanced Fund

Canara Robeco Balanced Fund

SBI Balanced Fund

TATA Balanced Fund

HDFC Balanced Fund

Please also note that if you compare the total dividend yield of these funds, you will find them higher than that of bank or post office fixed deposits. The dividends received from balanced funds are also tax free. However, the investment horizon for investing in balanced fund should also be higher, at least 4-5 years.

Hope the above helps.

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