Can I start SWP from my existing mutual fund schemes

I have invested in a few MF Schemes (Growth) which have completed 3 years. I have retired now and am looking to initiate SWP in these schemes. Can I do this without losing the indexation benefit?

Apr 6, 2017 by Subramaniam, Nerul  |   Mutual Fund

You have not mentioned In your query which mutual fund scheme you have invested in which completed 3 years? Is it equity fund or debt funds?

If it is a debt fund and you are redeeming it fully or partly (via SWP), then you have to pay capital gains tax @20% after indexation on the total profit made on the full redemption amount or on each SWP withdrawal, as the case may be.

If it is an equity fund, then long term capital gains tax is totally free, therefore, gains made on each SWP withdrawal amount or on the full redemption amount will also be tax free.

Please let us know in details in case you have some other query.

Thanks for writing to us.

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