Can you suggest suitable funds for short term and long term investments

Have an amount of approx 3 to 4 lakhs for investment. I am 50 years old, with no savings and 3 dependants (Annual income approx 5 Lakhs). Please advise mutual funds - 3 (for 1 Lakh each), 1. Can be withdrawn any time and 2. For long term and SIPs (3 in number for Rs. 8,000 each) 2 for 1 year and 1 for 3 years?

Dec 14, 2016 by Harmeet Singh, New Delhi  |   Mutual Fund

It is not a good situation that at age 50 you do not have any savings. You also have three dependants and, therefore, you should must have adequate life insurance coverage along with other saving and investments.

You want to save 3 Lakhs in lump sum out of which 1 Lakh can be withdrawn any time. We suggest that you invest it in a liquid fund as you do not know when you require it. You want to invest the other 2 Lakhs for long term but not mentioned the number of years that you can remain invested. We feel that if you are investing in equity mutual funds then the long term investment period should be minimum 5 years. If it is less than 5 years, then you can invest in debt funds or hybrid debt funds.

Please check the performance of these funds from below –

Top performing Equity Mid and small cap funds

Top performing Equity diversified funds

Top performing Equity large cap funds

Top performing Liquid Funds

With regards to SIPs your investment horizon is only 1 to 3 years. Therefore, for SIPs too, our suggestion would be to invest in liquid fund (for the 1 year tenure SIP) and debt funds (for 2 to 3 years tenure SIPs). Please check the SIP returns from here – SIPs in debt funds and SIP in liquid funds

Hope the above helps. In case you have any other queries, do let us know.

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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