Can you let me know more about Index Funds

I am a regular reader of your website since 2015. My request is, could you please throw some light on passively managed index funds and their scope for small scale Indian investors. I read an article in an American journal recently. It says that a passive fund has only market risk but no 'fund manager's risk'. Where as an actively managed fund has market risk as well as fund manager's risk.! I loved the above observation. I will be obliged if you could include this subject in your blog for your readers?

Aug 13, 2017 by Rajesh Babu,   |   Mutual Fund

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj and showing interest in knowing more about Index Funds. We have couple of articles on this topic on our website which you may go through and find interesting in context to your query.

Let us have your feedback on the above articles.

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