Can you give your suggestion on my fund selection

Please give me suggestions on my portfolio. I invest Rs. 1000 in Axis Long Term Equity Fund, Rs. 1000 in SBI Blue Chip Fund, Rs. 1000 in DSP BlackRock Micro Cap Fund and Rs. 1000 in Tata Balance Fund?

Dec 10, 2016 by Sarvesh, Pune  |   Mutual Fund

The funds you have selected are good and spread across ELSS, Large Cap, Mid and Small Cap and Balanced categories.

You may continue with your investments fro long term while reviewing the fund performance annually.

Sorry for replying to your query late. Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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Kotak Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Fund NFO 300x250
UTI MF Quant Fund NFO 300x600