Can I get good return in future from my mutual fund SIPs

Advisorkhoj is a very helpful page, many young investors are benefited from you. I am 27, need your suggestions regarding MF investment. I decide to invest through SIP monthly in the following way. Time - 10 to 15 years, risk profile - moderate to high. Large: Diversified: Small: Balance = 1:2:5:2. Funds are SBI Bluechip, BSL Advantage Fund, Franklin India Smaller Company & BSL Small & Midcap, HDFC Balance Fund. From this portfolio can I expect good return? If any correction is required please guide me?

Aug 4, 2017 by Anirban Senapati, Tamluk  |   Mutual Fund

Thank you for the kind words. Glad to know that you could recognize that investors are benefiting from the efforts given by Advisorkhoj :)

You have selected good funds for your SIPs from large cap, diversified, mid & small cap and balanced funds. The portfolio is aggressive and suitable for your kind of risk profile - moderate to high.

You can continue with these funds for the long term while evaluating the respective scheme performances once every year. Therefore, no changes in the portfolio is suggested as of now.

Yes, you can expect good return of around 12% annual from your investments.

Thanks for writing to Advisorkhoj.

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