Best Systematic Investment Plan from Mutual Funds

I have an query regarding my investments. Below mentioned funds are suggested by my relative to join in systematic investment scheme of 10000 Rupees each on monthly basis for five years for me and my brother. 1. ICICI Focussed Blue Chip Equity Fund 2. ICICI Discovery Value Fund 3. HDFC Midcap Oppurtunities Growth 4. Franklin India Prima Plus 5. Birla Sunlife Frontline Equity 6. HDFC Prudence Growth. Please need your advice on this.

Feb 25, 2015 by VAKKIL SATHEESH KUMAR, coimbatore  |   Systematic Investment Plan

This is a good selection of scheme. Basically you have selected 2 large cap funds, 2 small and mid cap funds, 1 diversified and 1 balanced fund. How much allocate to each scheme, will depend on your risk tolerance and investment objectives.

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