Scheme type - An open-ended exchange traded scheme replicating/tracking Nifty500 Multicap Momentum Quality 50 Total Return Index.
Investment objective - The investment objective of the scheme is to generate returns that are in line with the performance of the Nifty500 Multicap Momentum Quality 50 Total Return Index, subject to tracking errors.
Product suitability - This product is suitable for investors who are seeking long-term capital appreciation. Returns that are in line with the performance of the Nifty500 Multicap Momentum Quality 50 Total Return Index, subject to tracking errors.
Minimum Application Amount - Rs. 5000/- and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter.
Plan/ Options available - The Scheme does not offer any Plans/Options for investment. The AMC/Trustee reserve the right to introduce Plan(s)/Option(s) as may be deemed appropriate at a later date.
Fund Managers - Mr. Bhavesh Jain
Benchmark - Nifty500 Multicap Momentum Quality 50 TRI