Scheme type - A 1400 days closed-end equity scheme.
Maturity Period - Maturity period is reckoned 1400 days from the date of allotment. If thematurity date is not a working day, the subsequent working day shall be considered as the maturity day for the scheme
Investment objective – To seek capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments of companies that can be termed as small caps. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized. The fund will invest in stocks that are equal to or lower than the 101st stock and upto 300th stock in the NSE (after sorting the stocks by market-cap in descending order)
Product suitability – The product is suitable for investors who are seeking long term Capital growth by investing predominantly in equity / equity-related instruments of companies that can be termed as small caps
Minimum Application Amount - First investment Rs 5,000/- and multiples of Rs 10/- thereafter.
Plan/ Options available – Regular Plans and Direct Plans having Growth Option & Dividend Payout Option
Fund Managers - Mr. S Krishnakumar (Equity) & Mr. Dwijendra Srivastava (Fixed-Income)