Passive investing has gained in popularity in India in recent years. As per AMFI data, passive assets under management (AUM) multiplied six times in the last 5 years (as on 31st December 2024). ETFs account for 73% of the passive AUM, while index funds account for around 27% of the passive AUM. Passive funds do not try to beat the benchmark market index; instead, they track the benchmark index i.e., aim to replicate the performance of the benchmark index.
You can construct your core portfolio with broad market equity ETFs or index funds (e.g. Nifty 50, Sensex, Nifty 500 ETFs / Index Funds etc.) along with equity and aggressive hybrid funds. For purposes of asset allocation, you can also invest in fixed income ETFs and commodity (e.g. Gold, Silver) ETFs / FOFs. Gold and / or silver ETFs / FOFs can also provide investment solutions for life-stage financial goals like children’s marriage etc.
You can use thematic or sectoral ETFs to invest in specific industry sectors like banking, IT, pharma etc or broader themes like consumption. You can include smart beta funds (ETFs or index funds), which select stocks based on certain specific criteria like value, dividend opportunities, quality, volatility etc. Smart beta funds can produce superior risk-adjusted returns compared to the market. International ETFs / FOFs can provide you exposure to international equities. International equities have low correlations with domestic equities and can provide richer diversification to your investment portfolio.
The allocation between core and satellite will strictly depend on the investors’ risk appetite, individual financial goals, and investment horizon. Typical core portfolio allocation to your portfolio can range from 70 – 80%. Investors with higher risk appetites can allocate a higher percentage of their assets in their satellite allocation.
Rebalancing is an essential aspect of the core and satellite strategy. Over time, market movements may skew the portfolio’s original allocation. For instance, during a bull market, the satellite portion might outperform and dominate the portfolio. Regular rebalancing is necessary to maintain the desired proportion and to make sure that the portfolio stays aligned to your risk profile and financial goals in changing market conditions.
Core and Satellite strategy is one of the most tried and tested ways for building a resilient and growth oriented mutual fund portfolio. Passive funds can play a key role in core portfolio and can also be part of satellite portfolio along with active funds. Passive funds can reduce overall portfolio costs and unsystematic risks. Tactical allocation to thematic and smart beta passive funds can also produce alphas in your portfolio. Consult with your financial advisor or mutual fund distributor about your core and satellite allocations, and how passive funds can play a role in both parts of your portfolio.
Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully.
The information being provided under this section 'Investor Education' is for the sole purpose of creating awareness about Mutual Funds and for their understanding, in general. The views being expressed only constitute opinions and therefore cannot be considered as guidelines, recommendations or as a professional guide for the readers. Before making any investments, the readers are advised to seek independent professional advice, verify the contents in order to arrive at an informed investment decision.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.